Rebuilding the Earth Rebuilding the Earth

Rebuilding the Earth

Regenerating our planet’s life support systems for a sustainable future

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    • 21,99 €

Publisher Description

“Here’s the thing: we absolutely know how to restore all the Earth’s critical ecosystems… But we have to think about these challenges so much more holistically. Astonishingly, today’s climate experts populate one big silo, and biodiversity experts another! The notion of ‘co-benefits’ barely begins to do justice to the emerging revolution in both thinking and practice stimulated by the realisation that we face simultaneous emergencies on both fronts. Quite simply, natural climate solutions must become the watchword of the next decade.”- Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director, Forum for the Future
“A well-written book which communicates powerful messages, based largely upon the author’s own experiences and a lifetime of professional expertise. This work doesn’t simply describe the problems with Earths’ ecosystems, but also describes realistic solutions based on the premise of reviving and rescuing the natural world in a stepwise manner. Accessible yet erudite, this is a must read for anyone interested in learning how we can begin to reverse the damage we have done to the planet’s ecosystems.”- Dr Paul Johnston, Principal Scientist, Greenpeace International Science Laboratory

Rebuilding the Earth highlights humanity’s interdependence with the planet’s ecosystems. Today, these ecosystems are seriously degraded, compromising future security and opportunity. It is essential that we set about rebuilding the metaphorical ‘ark’ of nature upon which our future prospects depend. Central to this book are several case studies of regenerative approaches drawn from every continent on the planet. These approaches are founded on restoration and protection of ecosystems – water and soil, forests, marine and coastal resources, urban infrastructure, farming practices and in corporate supply chains. 
Rebuilding the Earth is above all optimistic about the daunting challenges facing global society. It is about culture change, addressing the necessity of and the means for putting nature and people back into the heart of societal thinking, policy and action. It advocates for sustainable development in its deepest green sense, but also pragmatically framed in social, technological, governance and economic contexts. The concluding message is “Yes, we can!” 

Mark Everard is a prolific author, broadcaster and scientist. He is an expert on ecosystem services and the ecosystem-based regeneration of rural livelihoods. Mark’s activities span five continents in academic, consultancy, government advisory and policy advocacy roles.

Science & Nature
26 November
Springer International Publishing
Springer Science & Business Media LLC
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