Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition

Timbre: Acoustics, Perception, and Cognition

Kai Siedenburg and Others
    • 149,99 €
    • 149,99 €

Publisher Description

The Present, Past, and Future of Timbre Research Kai Siedenburg, Charalampos Saitis, and Stephen McAdams
The Perceptual Representation of Timbre Stephen McAdams
Timbre Recognition and Sound Source Identification Trevor R. Agus, Clara Suied, and Daniel Pressnitzer
Memory for Timbre Kai Siedenburg and Daniel Müllensiefen
The Semantics of Timbre Charalampos Saitis and Stefan Weinzierl
Neural Correlates of Timbre Processing Vinoo Alluri and Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri
Voice Processing and Voice-Identity Recognition Samuel Robert Mathias and Katharina von Kriegstein
Timbre as a Structuring Force in Music Stephen McAdams
Timbre, Sound Quality, and Sound Design Guillaume Lemaitre and Patrick Susini Timbre Perception with Cochlear Implants Jeremy Marozeau and Wiebke LampingAudio ContentDescriptors of Timbre Marcelo Caetano, Charalampos Saitis, and Kai Siedenburg
Modulation Representations for Speech and Music Mounya Elhilali
Timbre from Sound Synthesis and High-level Control Perspectives Sølvi Ystad, Mitsuko Aramaki, and Richard Kronland-Martinet
Kai Siedenburg is Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Charalampos Saitis is Lecturer and Humboldt Research Fellow in the Audio Communication Group at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Stephen McAdams is Professor and Canada Research Chair in Music Perception and Cognition in the Department of Music Research at McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Arthur N. Popper is Professor Emeritus and research professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Maryland, College Park
Richard R. Fay is Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at Loyola University, Chicago 

Science & Nature
7 May
Springer International Publishing