What is Consciousness, What is Dreaming, What is Art?
Publisher Description
I'm a philosopher poet, my favorites are Adam Zagajewski, Octavio Paz, Hegel, Zizek. I'm the son of a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest and an Aztec sorceress. I'm a shaman; my teacher was Christina Pratt, so I journey and talk with spirit guides. I'm a scientist, in my little pinky, on my left hand; the rest of me is a grand irrationalist - trained in Zen Buddhism, I invented inspirationally imaginative illimitable invincible irrationality. I talk to the universe, with an altar I call channel 5, a communication channel between heaven and earth and humanity and demonity. And I read alot, and I noticed that even the philosopher poets and the shamans and the scientists didn't have solid answers on some of these things, so I discussed it with my friend the universe, and this is our brief explanation on wakeful individual consciousness, universal consciousness, dreaming, and art.