White Fragility White Fragility

White Fragility

by Robin DiAngelo - Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - A Comprehensive Summary

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    • 3,49 €

Publisher Description

White Fragility - Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - A Comprehensive Summary

Chapter 1: The Challenges of Talking to White People About Racism

We don’t see ourselves in racial terms.
As white Americans we are not raised to think of ourselves as white, and all of that that entails. The discomfort of a dialogue around race begins with an examination of the components of whiteness.
Our opinions are uninformed.
We tend to form opinions on our personal experience of race and racism, but Robin argues that “race relations are profoundly complex.” Without intentional study and reflection, we cannot form informed opinions because our culture is so ethnocentric that information regarding the experience of the other is not readily available.
Like dysfunctional family dynamics, our society is structured to maintain the racial status quo. DiAngelo cites valued American ideals, de facto segregation, media representation, and selective popular history as among the forces in society blocking our ability to access real dialogue about racism. It is an enormous amount of life-long work because we have to actively engage entrenched racism to achieve honesty.
An additional complication is maintaining a definition of racism as being malicious acts committed intentionally by those “bad people” we spoke of earlier. That definition lets us exclude ourselves as perpetrators, while shutting down a conversation...

To be continued...

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20 October
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