The Online Business Academy for Stock Market Investing: How to Buy Your First Stock, Grow Your Portfolio and Know When to Sell, Buy, Trade, and Invest with Proven Millionaire Strategies (Unabridged) The Online Business Academy for Stock Market Investing: How to Buy Your First Stock, Grow Your Portfolio and Know When to Sell, Buy, Trade, and Invest with Proven Millionaire Strategies (Unabridged)

The Online Business Academy for Stock Market Investing: How to Buy Your First Stock, Grow Your Portfolio and Know When to Sell, Buy, Trade, and Invest with Proven Millionaire Strategies (Unabridged‪)‬

    • 15,99 €

    • 15,99 €

Descripción editorial

Do you have dreams of being the next Wall Street wiz but don’t want to spend a decade going through school and pitching for low-level trading floor jobs?

Aren’t you ready to break free from the cycle of directly exchanging your time for money so you can finally live life on your own terms like never before?

If these questions resonate with you and the person you want to become in the future, you’ve definitely come to the right place, my friend!

It might be scary to embark down a journey that seems to be risky, but luckily, the good news is that you don’t have to be paddling in that boat alone, trying to figure out the system!

Because there are proven strategies that millionaires are using and sharing. It starts here!

Imagine getting so good at investing, buying, selling, and trading with a smart and proven system that eventually leads you to only working about 15 minutes a day, relaxing at home with the spouse and kids, and busy booking back-to-back vacations!

The Online Business Academy for Stock Market Investing is the life-changing guide you don’t want to pass up if you want to break the cycle of exchanging my time for money.

It works on levels you simply will not believe until you start to put the lessons into practice yourself.

Inside this audiobook, you're going to learn about:

How the financial market works
What stock is
The stock market
Assessing your risk tolerance
Choosing the most suitable investment for you
Technical and fundamental analysis
Simple and advanced investment strategies
Strategies for buying, selling, and holding stock
Managing stock investment risks
Protecting your portfolio
Latest updates in the stock market
And a whole lot more!

Get your copy now!

By learning how the stock market really works, you can give yourself an advantage over 99.99 percent of people who try to profit from it. Rather than sudden spikes of profit, followed by massive slumps in losses, you’ll get steady, consistent profits if you start putting these tips, ideas, and strategies into practice without delay.

All you have to ask yourself right now is: Can you honestly afford to miss out for the rest of your life?

Economía y empresa
Juanelle Louise Holl
h min
20 de mayo
Thomas Bourne