
Reasons for Returning the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of France, and for withdrawing from its membership; in a letter to M. de la Roquette, General Secretary, etc. Reasons for Returning the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of France, and for withdrawing from its membership; in a letter to M. de la Roquette, General Secretary, etc.
On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf, and on the Non-identity of Babylon and Babel; in reply to Mr. Carter. (From the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine.). On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf, and on the Non-identity of Babylon and Babel; in reply to Mr. Carter. (From the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine.).
On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldæa ... From the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, etc. On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldæa ... From the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, etc.
On the Countries South of Abyssinia. [With a map. Extracted from the London Geographical Journal.] On the Countries South of Abyssinia. [With a map. Extracted from the London Geographical Journal.]
On the Mountains forming the Eastern Side of the Basin of the Nile, and the origin of the designation “Mountains of the Moon,” as applied to them. From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. On the Mountains forming the Eastern Side of the Basin of the Nile, and the origin of the designation “Mountains of the Moon,” as applied to them. From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal.
On the Origin of the Gallas. From the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, etc. On the Origin of the Gallas. From the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, etc.