
Fly Fly
Cupid's Whirligig. [A comedy. The dedication is signed E. S., i.e. Edward Sharpham?] Cupid's Whirligig. [A comedy. The dedication is signed E. S., i.e. Edward Sharpham?]
Cupid's Whirligig. [A comedy. The dedication is signed E. S., i.e. Edward Sharpham?] Cupid's Whirligig. [A comedy. The dedication is signed E. S., i.e. Edward Sharpham?]
Six Weeks in South America. By E. H. S. [i.e. Edward Henry Stanley, afterwards Earl of Derby.] Six Weeks in South America. By E. H. S. [i.e. Edward Henry Stanley, afterwards Earl of Derby.]
Ezra. [In verse. Signed, E. S. G. S., i.e. E. S. G. Saunders.] Ezra. [In verse. Signed, E. S. G. S., i.e. E. S. G. Saunders.]
A Biblical Zoo. By E. L. S. A companion to Homely Things in Holy Writ. [In verse.] A Biblical Zoo. By E. L. S. A companion to Homely Things in Holy Writ. [In verse.]