
Beeinflussung altruistischen Hilfeverhaltens durch extrinsische Belohnungsreize bei 20 Monate alten Kindern Beeinflussung altruistischen Hilfeverhaltens durch extrinsische Belohnungsreize bei 20 Monate alten Kindern
Millennium Eve: a poem begun at Florence, in ... 1841. [By J. P., i.e. John Pring.] Millennium Eve: a poem begun at Florence, in ... 1841. [By J. P., i.e. John Pring.]
The Visitor's Guide to Oxford. (Abridged ... from the “Handbook for Visitors to Oxford.”) A new edition, with 110 illustrations. [The preface is signed, J. P.] The Visitor's Guide to Oxford. (Abridged ... from the “Handbook for Visitors to Oxford.”) A new edition, with 110 illustrations. [The preface is signed, J. P.]