
Yogasutrabhasyavivarana of Sankara: Vivarana Text with English Translation and Critical Notes Along with Text and English Translation of Patanjali's Yogasutras and Vyasabhasya, Vols. 1 and 2 (Book Review) Yogasutrabhasyavivarana of Sankara: Vivarana Text with English Translation and Critical Notes Along with Text and English Translation of Patanjali's Yogasutras and Vyasabhasya, Vols. 1 and 2 (Book Review)
Math and Magic: A Block-Printed Wafq Amulet from the Beinecke Library at Yale (Report) Math and Magic: A Block-Printed Wafq Amulet from the Beinecke Library at Yale (Report)
Sumerian Grammar (Sumerian Grammar: Handbook of Oriental Studies, Vol. I/71) (Book Review) Sumerian Grammar (Sumerian Grammar: Handbook of Oriental Studies, Vol. I/71) (Book Review)
Late Hittite Emar: The Chronology, Synchronisms, And Socio-Political Aspects of a Late Bronze Age Fortress Town (Book Review) Late Hittite Emar: The Chronology, Synchronisms, And Socio-Political Aspects of a Late Bronze Age Fortress Town (Book Review)
Ancient China: Chinese Civilization from Its Origins to the Tang Dynasty (Book Review) Ancient China: Chinese Civilization from Its Origins to the Tang Dynasty (Book Review)
A Theravada Code of Conduct for Good Buddhists: The Upasakamanussavinaya (Critical Essay) A Theravada Code of Conduct for Good Buddhists: The Upasakamanussavinaya (Critical Essay)