
Economic Insecurity, Mental Health, And the Economic Crisis in New York City (Report) Economic Insecurity, Mental Health, And the Economic Crisis in New York City (Report)
So Long a Letter: Finding Self and Independence in Africa. So Long a Letter: Finding Self and Independence in Africa.
Naming and Defining: A Critical Link (Part I: Department Chair and Faculty Perspectives) (Report) Naming and Defining: A Critical Link (Part I: Department Chair and Faculty Perspectives) (Report)
Racial Preferences in Internet Dating: A Comparison of Four Birth Cohorts (The Silent Generation (Individuals Born in 1942 Or Before), The Baby Boomers (Those Born Between 1943 and 1960), Generation X (Those Born Between 1961 and 1981), and the Millennium Generation (Those Born After 1981)) (Report) Racial Preferences in Internet Dating: A Comparison of Four Birth Cohorts (The Silent Generation (Individuals Born in 1942 Or Before), The Baby Boomers (Those Born Between 1943 and 1960), Generation X (Those Born Between 1961 and 1981), and the Millennium Generation (Those Born After 1981)) (Report)
African American Men and the Prison Industrial Complex (Report) African American Men and the Prison Industrial Complex (Report)
Psychological Africanity As Racial Identity: Validation of African American Multidimensional Racial Identity Scale, Black Personality Questionnaire, And Cultural Misorientation Scale (Report) Psychological Africanity As Racial Identity: Validation of African American Multidimensional Racial Identity Scale, Black Personality Questionnaire, And Cultural Misorientation Scale (Report)