Ink Slingers Anthologies

Chris Harris y otros
Serie • 3 libros • Ficción y literatura
The Very True Legends of Ol' Man Wickleberry and his Demise: Ink Slingers' Anthlogy The Very True Legends of Ol' Man Wickleberry and his Demise: Ink Slingers' Anthlogy
Joleene Naylor, Jonathan Harvey, Mark R Hunter, Chris Harris, Simon Goodson, Ruth Ann Nordin & Terry Compton
When the Lights Go Out: Ink Slingers' Halloween Anthology When the Lights Go Out: Ink Slingers' Halloween Anthology
Joleene Naylor, Tricia Drammeh, LC Cooper, Bonnie Mutchler, C. E. Cason, C.G. Coppola, Anne Franklin, Jason Gilbert, Barbara G.Tarn, Roger Lawrence, Nikki Hess, Rami Ungar, DM Yates, Russ Towne, Yawatta Hosby, Maegan Provan, Sean Morain, Terry Compton & Christopher Mitchell
Strange Portals: Ink Slingers' Fantasy/Horror Anthology Strange Portals: Ink Slingers' Fantasy/Horror Anthology
Joleene Naylor, Anna Stein, B.G. Hope, Barbara G.Tarn, Bonnie Mutchler, C.G. Coppola, DM Yates, Roseline Kurian, Kay Kauffman, Maegan Provan, Mark R Hunter, Rami Ungar, Roger Lawrence, Roxanna Matthews, Terry Compton & Tricia Drammeh