Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory

Bob Carter y otros
Serie • 76 libros • Sociología
Max Weber's 'Science as a Vocation' Max Weber's 'Science as a Vocation'
Peter Lassman, Irving Velody & Hermínio Martins
Sociology and History (RLE Social Theory) Sociology and History (RLE Social Theory)
Peter Burke
Henri Saint-Simon, (1760-1825) (RLE Social Theory) Henri Saint-Simon, (1760-1825) (RLE Social Theory)
Keith Taylor
Symbolic Interactionism (RLE Social Theory) Symbolic Interactionism (RLE Social Theory)
Bernard Meltzer, John Petras & Larry Reynolds
Social Forms/Human Capacities (RLE Social Theory) Social Forms/Human Capacities (RLE Social Theory)
Philip Corrigan
Introduction to the Social Sciences (RLE Social Theory) Introduction to the Social Sciences (RLE Social Theory)
Maurice Duverger & Malcolm Anderson
Logic and Social Choice (RLE Social Theory) Logic and Social Choice (RLE Social Theory)
Yasusuke Murakami
Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies
Ted Benton
Dominant Ideologies (RLE Social Theory) Dominant Ideologies (RLE Social Theory)
Bryan S. Turner, Nicholas Abercrombie & Stephen Hill
The Dominant Ideology Thesis The Dominant Ideology Thesis
Bryan S. Turner, Nicholas Abercrombie & Stephen Hill