The Re-Imagined Series

Eric Choi y otros
Serie • 4 libros • Aventuras de ciencia ficción
Re-Launch: Science Fiction Stories of New Beginnings Re-Launch: Science Fiction Stories of New Beginnings
Gregory L. Norris, Douglas Smith, James Dorr, Steven R. Southard, Jonathan Shipley, Lawrence Dagstine, Meriah Crawford, Jennifer Rachel Baumer, CB Droege, Kris Austen Radcliffe, Jude-Marie Green, Wendy Nikel, Stewart C Baker, Calie Voorhis, Anthony Cardno, Eando Binder & Andrew Gudgel
Re-Enchant: Dark Fantasy Stories of Magic and Fae Re-Enchant: Dark Fantasy Stories of Magic and Fae
James Dorr, Jude-Marie Green, Kai Miro, Mattie Brahen & Nancy Springer
Re-Quest: Dark Fantasy Stories of Quests & Searches Re-Quest: Dark Fantasy Stories of Quests & Searches
Douglas Smith, CB Droege, James Dorr, Christine Lucas, Jennifer Rachel Baumer, Jonathan Shipley, Doug C. Souza, Robert E. Howard, Lillian Csernica, Gregory L. Norris, Bradley H. Sinor, Dale W. Glaser, Jeremy Zimmerman, Dennis Mombauer, Chris Kuriata & Kelly A. Harmon
Re-Terrify: Horrifying Stories of Monsters and More Re-Terrify: Horrifying Stories of Monsters and More
Nancy Springer, Douglas Smith, James Dorr, Winston Marks, Lisa Lepovetsky, Eric Choi, Darrell Schweitzer, Meriah Crawford, Jonathan Shipley, Gregory L. Norris, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Gregg Chamberlain, Kelly A. Harmon, David Hoenig, Steven R. Southard, Nicole Kurtz, Geoff Gander & Gustavo Bondoni