A Lycan's Mate
The Lycans, no. 2
Descripción editorial
Jurisa hustled through the pine forest surrounding her community on light paws. Underneath her four feet, the high mountainous landscape had already cooled and hardened for winter. It, combined with the soft bed of pine needles, made the running easier. Behind her, practically nipping at her heels, Beryx kept up chase. He put his all into the effort of trying to catch her as any potential mate would.
She pushed herself to move faster. She'd been practicing for weeks, memorizing the route she would take during the hunt. She would not let a little things like the burning of her lungs as she dragged in air hold her back. Jurisa had to be at top form for the hunt.
Sandy-colored Beryx in fully wolfen form put forth an extra burst of energy and nearly overtook Jurisa. She feinted left, then right, heading straight for the pit traps her people dug earlier and managed to slow him down as he evaded the obstacles. He was getting good. On previous runs, Beryx kept falling into the traps. He appeared to have finally memorized their placement. Too bad, she thought, admiring his persistence in dogging her. Too bad he's a beta. Jurisa turned into a new section of the run, one that her second hadn't been over lately.