An Evening of Poetry
- 3,99 €
- 3,99 €
Descripción editorial
This fine collection explores the complexities of the mother-daughter bond, as well as the wild nature and rugged beauty of the remote Maine island where the poets reside. Part of a long tradition of poetry readings given at the Monhegan library, "An Evening of Poetry" invites the reader to experience the luck of dwelling in this special place, as in the poem, "Lucky Lady", and the grace and challenge of living in the present moment, as in "At 5:11 P.M., A Minor Miracle in My Kitchen." Kate Cheney Chappell and Frances Downing Vaughan possess strong, distinct voices. Whether achieving a nuanced treatment of loss, or evoking delight and humor, they deftly utilize both free and formal verse. Two well-crafted examples are Vaughan's prizewinning sonnet "The Blooming of Florence Russ" and Chappell's haunting "Monhegan Villanelle." Sketches of the island intersperse the text.