Don't Let Them Cash You Out: How Cash Frees You from the Elite’s Surveillance Society Don't Let Them Cash You Out: How Cash Frees You from the Elite’s Surveillance Society

Don't Let Them Cash You Out: How Cash Frees You from the Elite’s Surveillance Society

    • 299,99 €
    • 299,99 €

Descripción editorial

The elites are intent on wiping out cash. More and more businesses are refusing to use cash. Cash users are being turned into second-class citizens in a two-tier society. Cui bono? Who benefits from the elimination of cash?

The elites hate cash because they are unable to spy on cash users, control them, and monetize them. Cash is not tied to a specific person. It’s a universal form of exchange. Cash can be passed from one person to another without the system ever knowing. Cash allows you to purchase anonymously. The seller does not know who you are. They can’t put you on a list and push marketing material at you every day. They can’t sell your data to others. They can’t make additional money out of you, using processes you don’t even know about.

Cards are a particular form of exchange. Only one person, the person identified by the card, can use a specific card. All transactions are locked and tracked and associated uniquely with the card user. The card user’s entire purchase history is available to Big Tech and even Big Government. The card user’s financial behavior is fully known. They can be targeted for advertising. Their psychological profile can be calculated, allowing politicians to target them at elections.

Cash is freedom. Cash is anonymity. Cash users are the Resistance. They are the Rebels. That’s why the elites want to end the use of cash. They want to crush the resistance to Big Tech and the Surveillance Society.

It’s your duty as a free person to defend cash and fight off the Big Brother State, seeking to know everything about you, and have you monitored transaction by transaction.

Join the rebellion. Hold on to your cash. Don’t let them take it from you. Don’t let them track you like a chipped dog.

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