ECG/EKG Interpretation: An Easy Approach to Read a 12-Lead ECG and How to Diagnose and Treat Arrhythmias ECG/EKG Interpretation: An Easy Approach to Read a 12-Lead ECG and How to Diagnose and Treat Arrhythmias

ECG/EKG Interpretation: An Easy Approach to Read a 12-Lead ECG and How to Diagnose and Treat Arrhythmias

    • 8,99 €

Descripción editorial

Are you curious about ECG and want to learn to read it for academic purpose?

Would you like to hold up that next ECG and confidently interpret what you see?

If so, then keep reading!

ECG Interpretation is often the initial component of diagnostic testing available in the evaluation of a patient. A proper understanding of the ECG Interpretation allows early detection of important pathological and physiological issues. This book will completely transform your aspects at ECG interpretation, and we guarantee you that by the time you complete this guide with us, you'll feel like a professional.

Whether you are learning to interpret Electrocardiograms, or if you simply want to better recognize your own diagnosis and results, this book will be able to help.

This book provides a comprehensive information about ECG findings of inherited arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies. Each topic covers a specific condition and highlights typical or critically important ECG findings. Knowing the fundamentals parts of an ECG tracing will lay a good foundation for everything else that is to come. The different waves, complexes and intervals need to be ingrained in your brain.

Most importantly, you will learn about the different conditions that an ECG can help to diagnose, and how to diagnose them. This book is designed to drill into you the fundamentals required to build your confidence in ECG interpretation and to diagnose and treat Arrhythmias.

That's who this book is aimed at:

✅ Medical and nursing students who need to review before an exam without having to take long, complicated academic books back into their hands

 Professionals in the field who find it useful to keep a practical and fast manual with them for every eventuality

✅ Enthusiasts who would like to discover something new about a fundamental instrument of medicine

✅ Those who want something simple and straightforward to use at any time, without having to get lost in the kind of complicated and long-winded language contained in the myriad pages of academic books

✅ High school students who want to learn more, even without having the knowledge of a university student

✅ Those who need a "dusting off" but don't want to spend too much time or energy reviewing the material

If you fall then in at least one of these categories of people, this book will be very useful.

What are you waiting for? Add this book to your cart to get started!

Técnicos y profesionales
19 de abril
Nathan Orwell
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