Manage SEO Network: PBN Manage SEO Network: PBN

Manage SEO Network: PBN

    • 33,99 €
    • 33,99 €

Descripción editorial

Do you know about seo networking? You are onsite professionals but you want to learn more? You are relatively strong technically but you would like to implement real strong strategies? or you want to learn how to easily build powerful and sustainable site networks that bring long term benefits?

With this book you will have in your hands a exhaustive guide for the implementation of your seo networking. Whether you already have a certain level of SEO or are just starting out, this document on seo networking is a valuable and intense help in SEO network building strategy.

Introduction to SEO architecture

Before we discuss how to master SEO networking strategies together, I will describe the context and the "why" or reasons for the emergence of the types of network strategies, than people call also Private Blog Network.
Originally the web consisted of large masses of pages and a system of hypertext links, then a few search engines that appeared. None of them was unanimous until the day Google was launched. This search engine has approached unanimity with large market shares in the field of Internet search. It is a company in constant evolution.

The webmasters
Webmasters then discovered different ways to quickly position themselves in search engine results pages and thus access certain business issues. Some have omitted their content, others have filled their meta-keyword tag with keywords (relevant - impertinent) to rank, at a time when Google was still only a young - child project.
From cause to effect, Google has improved itself and webmasters – SEO progressed too. Beyond the importance of content, links have been strongly weighted. So, the era of spam has begun. It was enough to make links to rank until the day google reacted, trying to detect large quantities of artificial links in order to penalize their authors.

The evolutions of Netlinking
Two main types of reactions were observed, we could notice the appearance of satellite sites, in a technique of fusible sites set up to be able to continue spam without risking losing its main site. And we have also noticed the appearance - disappearance of disposable sites. Sites, which in some niches were able to earn income quickly before being penalized.
Webmasters who lost their disposable sites continuously reproduced the operation and those who have chosen the satellite sites option try to limit the risk of loss, but in case of loss they find themselves at the same point as the previous ones, with the difference that the monetization aspect on the main site remains safe, the marketing work is preserved. This last option, which separates the SEO and marketing playgrounds

Negocios y finanzas personales
27 de julio
Jaffaar Saleh