Messages from Amma
In the Language of the Heart
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Lovingly known by millions around the world as Amma (Mother), the Hugging Saint, the Mother of Compassion, and the Mother of Immortal Bliss, the divinely beautiful Indian holy woman Ammachi has spent her adult life fulfilling her mission to share her message of love and compassion throughout the world by distributing hugs and special blessings. In 1990, psychiatrist and Amma devotee Dr. Janine Canan met Amma and, with Amma's blessing, began collecting quotations from Amma's public talks, personal dialogues, and songs. Here, Dr. Canan has translated Amma's beautiful and timeless words so that they are preserved and available for all. Included are themes such as “Love, the Cure,” “Surrendering the Ego,” and “Entering the Stream of Grace.” In all, MESSAGES FROM AMMA delivers the powerfully inspiring teachings of a modern-day saint—a woman whose very life is the incarnation of love.All author royalties are donated to Mata Amritanandamayi Center for charitable activities in India. For more information about Amma, visit www.amma.org. Amma has spoken at such prestigious conferences as the United Nation's Women's Peace Initiative, and she is the recipient of the 2002 Gandhi-King Non-Violence Award.Includes stunning, never-before-published full-color images of Amma.Reviews“A supernova of spirituality.” —Hinduism Today “The world today needs solid proof that our human values are useful. Amma's work in the field of spirituality as well as social service, provides us with the much needed proof.” —Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India“Amma has comforted with her wonderful huggings . . . more than 21 million people. . . . She stands here before us: God's love in a human body.” —Jane Goodall, author of Reason for Hope“Ammachi is the embodiment of pure love. Her presence heals.” —Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success“Amma's life is action, a cosmic gesture of acceptance through her capacity to give love to virtually everyone she encounters. There is no doubt this is precisely what the world needs in our age.” —Brother Wayne Teasdale, author of The Mystic Heart“Amma . . . is fast becoming a world-renowned spiritual leader like Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi.” —Reuters “Amma's spiritual hugs and charitable works, including orphanages, women's shelters, hospices, and vocational education for the poor, have helped her to become what many . . . consider a living saint.” —Los Angeles TimesMessages from Amma: “Amma's warm, powerful words are gifts for people who need their spirits lifted.”—Voice of Asia. And Vision Magazine finds “This book is like Amma: beautiful and gentle in style, filled with purity of thought, and direct, simple words.”
Born in India in 1953, Amma has traveled around the globe preaching compassion and dispensing hugs-an estimated 30 million of them, in fact. In Messages from Amma: In the Language of the Heart, Janine Canan has gathered some striking quotations from Amma's talks, songs and writings. The short, pithy reflections are organized thematically around topics such as the divine mother, spiritual education, surrendering the ego and seeing the good.