Rejoice... Rejoice...


... I Will Fear No Evil (Psalm 23)

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    • 6,49 €

Publisher Description

Life looks positive as a young woman still in my late teens, when I fall madly in love with my Prince Charming, a wonderful man of good looks, money and power... until he attempts to kill me with the carving knife.
Meeting my Perfect Valentine, becomes a major turning point in my life, directing me through important choices to be made and amazing experiences where I travel and begin to fulfil my childhood dreams. It is a story of growth, pushing boundaries, dealing with pain, re-learning basic truths, and actually beginning to love myself. Having always been told I was ugly well that I have eyes like a cod fish would you like to kiss a cod?
Selling everything I own, and travelling as a missionary, each journey reveals inner truths, baring strengths and weaknesses, and taking me closer to my awaiting husband, the desire of my beating heart. But life continues to take turns causing my father at first to disown me, and push boundaries in my parents own minds of acceptance. There are times of incredible worthlessness and fountains of fruitfulness and joy. Lessons to be learned, and mountains to be climbed experiencing the mountain tops of life... but life is rarely lived on a mountain top, and the downhill climb can be treacherous leading you back into the valley of the shadows of death. Those days being single were some of the most fulfilling times of my life, a privilege to be the hand of love to those in need.
Climaxing to the words I had longed to say all my life, and be asked the question that required my answer of I do, leads me to the imaginary place of all fairytales... to live Happily Ever After or not!

8 February
AuthorHouse UK