SUMMARY - The Roswell Incident By Charles Berlitz And William L. Moore SUMMARY - The Roswell Incident By Charles Berlitz And William L. Moore

SUMMARY - The Roswell Incident By Charles Berlitz And William L. Moore

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    • 6,99 €

Publisher Description

* Our summary is short, simple and pragmatic. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes.

*By reading this summary, you will discover the key elements of the Roswell case, as well as its shadowy areas.

*You will also discover : that stories about UFOs have been around for thousands of years; that many witnesses claim to have seen a UFO crashing on the ground of Roswell in 1947; that the official explanation of the Roswell affair presents many inconsistencies and grey areas; that aliens were allegedly found in the wreckage of the ship; that Russia would also have witnessed a UFO crash similar to that of Roswell.

*The Roswell affair is one of the most famous mysteries of the 20th century. If the testimonies relating to the appearance of UFOs in the sky are numerous and have always existed, this one remains unique. Its success is due to the precise details provided by witnesses, but also to the difficulty for the authorities to find a rational explanation for this incident. Everything leads us to believe that the Roswell affair is one of the answers to the existential question that civilization has always asked itself: is it really alone in the universe?

*Buy now the summary of this book for the modest price of a cup of coffee!

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