Stop Stress Eating Now: How to Overcome Emotional Eating Fast (Your Better Self!, Book 1) (Unabridged) Stop Stress Eating Now: How to Overcome Emotional Eating Fast (Your Better Self!, Book 1) (Unabridged)

Stop Stress Eating Now: How to Overcome Emotional Eating Fast (Your Better Self!, Book 1) (Unabridged‪)‬

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Publisher Description

Emotional eating taking over your life and ruining your self-esteem? Then keep listening to how you can Stop Stress Eating Now!

Do you struggle to lose weight or keep it off?

Do you often reach for your favorite fatty comfort food whenever you feel happy or sad?

Do you wish you could put an end to your stress eating habits for good?If you said yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place!

Most importantly, you’re not alone.

Sought-after psychologist and best-selling author John Benson went through the cycle of losing weight and then gaining them all back. When he dug deeper, he found out why.

In Stop Stress Eating Now: How to Overcome Emotional Eating Fast, you’ll uncover mind-blowing insights into why you continuously sabotage your weight loss efforts, why it’s important to get to the root of it all, and why you should start today.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Uncover the root of your stress eating habits: The answer can be traced back all the way to your childhood! Yes, unresolved childhood issues are a huge contributor to your emotional eating ways.
Get to know the author better: Just like you, John Benson struggled with keeping a healthy weight as a kid. Learn all about his story and see how he can help you achieve the same success.
Know the signs: When you know what to look for, the better your chances of actually beating your emotional eating.
Stop compulsive eating fast: In this guide, you will uncover 10 proven ways to stop stress eating in just 30 days.
And so much more!

Even if you’ve always struggled with your weight, that’s all about to change thanks to powerful, research-based insights, tips, and techniques that will get you from lethargic and overweight to energetic and overjoyed!

Don’t wait a second longer!

Vincent Townsend
hr min
15 May
John Benson