Dover Doomsday Classics

Stephen King and Others
Series • 10 Books • Science Fiction
Japan Sinks Japan Sinks
Sakyo Komatsu
City of Endless Night City of Endless Night
Milo Hastings
Underground Man Underground Man
Gabriel de Tarde
Grave Predictions Grave Predictions
Stephen King, Greg Bear, Ramsey Campbell, Joe R. Lansdale, Carmen Maria Machado, Mark Samuels, Erica L. Satifka, Brian Stableford, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, W.E.B. Du Bois & Kurt Vonnegut
Nordenholt's Million Nordenholt's Million
J. J. Connington
The Scarlet Plague The Scarlet Plague
Jack London
Lord of the World Lord of the World
Robert Hugh Benson
After London After London
Richard Jefferies
The Night Land The Night Land
William Hope Hodgson
Darkness and Dawn Darkness and Dawn
George Allan England