Heaven on Earth: The Intersection of Science and Religion Heaven on Earth: The Intersection of Science and Religion

Heaven on Earth: The Intersection of Science and Religion

Publisher Description

Science is a religion based on trust in the scientific method and is slowly fusing with and assimilating almost all traditional religions. Not only does science meet the primary definitions of religion in many dictionaries it also fills the same functional role of religion. Science and traditional religions share the same genetic base that was created by natural selection. This religion of science can be found almost everywhere and is currently practiced tacitly by a large segment of the global population. There is no need for a formal organized structure or formal name. It is important to see that science is just an evolution of religious behavior and all religious systems have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. The methods of science are very different from traditional religions, but that does not exclude science from being a religion. I want to emphasize when I say science is a type of religion, I do not mean it in a negative way. Just as a matter of fact, not necessarily good or bad. Understanding this concept will help us more fully understand human nature and the age-old conflict between science and traditional religions. It may be possible to reduce religious wars/conflicts and to be better stewards of our environment when we understand the adaptive evolutionary background of all religions. Heaven on Earth is a lofty goal that is worth striving for.

Religion & Spirituality
14 March
R. D. Hood