Psychological Practices in Mystic Traditions
From Archaic to Our Days
Publisher Description
The book represents a complex retrospective study of psychological practices phenomenon: their targets, methods, philosophical groundings, evolution and interaction with other forms of spiritual life. It gives the first ever explanation of differences between religious, occult and esoteric psychopractices. Psychological practices are shown as an integral cultural phenomenon inherent in mankind at every stage of its evolution. Particular consideration is drawn to psychological practices employed in our days. The work contemplates such issues as the role of altered state of consciousness in culture and religion, the role of religion in sociotype formation and maintenance, cultural value of esoteric psychological practices. Here the philosophic and religious origins of modern psychotherapy are revealed, as well as religious processes that take course in it.
The book can be of interest to both theorists — culture, religion studies and psychology experts, and corresponding sphere practicians, as well as all those interested in esotericism and
non-traditional psychology.