Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities

Shameless Self-Advert of Spectrum of Self-Obsessed Sentient Stupidities

Publisher Description

A humble, compassionate, nonjudgmental inquiry into a predominant pathology and a predatory propensity by scientifically tracing substrate reality of intuitive-visceral action-behavior; decoding sentient victimization by innate animalism-tribalism, entrenched in spectrum of consciousness-cognition and instituting a case for elusive humanism, in crumbling fabric of failed society-culture-polity.
There is a golden rule of life-living – what you want is what you seek but what you seek is not always what you need. It means, there is a spectrum of animal-tribal wants and desires, which men and women subconsciously seek but they are not needed in civilized-cultured-liberal human world, as they stand in antagonism to requirements of humanism. It has to be understood as why it is that what we seek is not always what we actually need.
To understand this, we have to understand the terms intuitive and non-intuitive experience-cognition of reality. This knowledge is essential for understanding your relationship with reality. It is this relationship of an individual life with reality he or she perceives and accepts, decides the spheres of animalism-tribalism or humanism, where the individual stands.
Broadly, intuitive is what we feel and believe as true and right, without any external evidence, just because it makes us feel good and happy. This ‘benchmark of happiness’ is a scammed entity as happiness is largely and dominantly very intuitive-visceral and personal-subjective and different people have different sense and experiences of ‘happiness’. Non-intuitiveness is often contrary to intuitive feeling, based on common and singular objective facts as sufficient scientific evidence; even as it does not feel the ‘happy-comforting’ way we like and want.
Often, what we feel, what we want and therefore seek, is intuitive-visceral-personal-subjective feeling, the evidence of which comes from our deep satisfying sense and experience of Happiness. Therefore, we don’t even bother to entertain any other evidence, different to what our body-mind tells us and we feel; to be happy is our right-liberty and it is very appropriate to be happy, even at the cost of making others unhappy and in pain. This is the seed of most cruelties and brutalities we heap on others.
This trigger-happy, self-evidenced, intuitive-visceral sense of righteousness and its self-obsessed validation is cruelty-brutality; a definitive expression of animalism-tribalism. Sadly enough, for mass majority of men and women in contemporary world, this intuitive-visceral animalism-tribalism is the torchbearer of most behavior-actions, which they hold as their right at any cost. The pop wisdom is out there to augment and embolden this animalism-tribalism in men and women.
This pop intelligence is simple and straight – ‘It is my body and my happiness and I know my body-joys better than all and that is why only I decide what I need’. This is the scam humanity perpetuates. This intuitive-visceral reality is partial and based on subjective choices and not objective reality. The other part of non-intuitive reality is not available to visceral consciousness and intuitive cognition as they are not part of body’s innate experiencing. Rather, they are part of knowledge, which has to be acquired through disciplined learning and this knowledge actually kills the visceral-intuitive sense and experiencing of Happiness. That is why solipsism, anti-intellectualism and anti-science sentimentalism are the most popular and lapped up trends in most societies and cultures, across the globe. They only prosper animalism-tribalism and proliferate cruelties-brutalities.
The hope however rests with the ultimate power and potential of scientific knowledge. Many pluses are emerging, though slowly, and they are gradually sidelining many minuses. We just have to be patient, poised and compassionate, as new civilizational propensities and pathways emerge and prosper in 21st century.

Health & Well-Being
15 March
Santosh Jha

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