The End of Evolution The End of Evolution

The End of Evolution

Publisher Description

This is not another bash Darwin book. Instead, it looks at how far his principles of macro and micro-evolution apply not only to the development of life, but also of the universe, the Earth, humanity - even human history. I find no evidence of continuous progression in any of these; stop/start - yes; instances of micro-evolution - yes; how else to explain the different racial skin colours? But, I find no instances of overall, organised progression.
In specific instances - yes, there is organisation. For example, the existence of different eyes is a sort of miracle. It necessitates their various structures - cornea, retina, nerves, blood vessels - all developing together at the same time in history for a particular animal. Could they have developed separately at different rates and then come together by chance? Fiddlesticks! The genesis of any machine shows previous deliberate design and ordered execution. Before you jump to any conclusions at this point, I should say "I don't know", but the research that's gone into this book may help.
You like to feel you know your ideas and beliefs are well-grounded. This book will suggest to you you’re standing on quicksand. To get out of such metaphorical quicksand you need a metaphorical rope; the usual one is called belief. "We believe what we want to believe." And so, you accept believe blindly what you’re told by scientists or even a Prime Minister – especially a Prime Minister. The further a belief is from reality, the more firmly it is held. But belief is not fact. Grasp your rope firmly; this book will shake it.
This book doesn’t espouse any particular philosophy or approach. The orthodox dogma is that there is a pattern of development called Evolution. We accept it because it’s easier than not accepting it. This evolutionary approach is often a tacit presupposition in studying the development not just of life, but of the universe, Earth itself, human development, history etc. Since the approach is not appropriate in such cases (if indeed in any), facts/evidence have to be warped to produce a coherent picture. Scientists do that; newspapers do the same with the information that's fed to them and thence to us. And if the facts don’t fit the picture, either the facts are not true or we’re biassed….
Deeper examination of orthodox scientific theories has meant looking into into such areas as creation/design, materialism, physical laws and constants,synchronicity, coding, time, consciousness, reality and alternative realities, life, scientific bias, perception, climate change, previous mass extinctions and the coming extinction.

Science & Nature
17 February
John Bottrill

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