Bedtime Yoga Nidra for Kids: Guided Sleep Meditation for Kids to Fall Asleep Bedtime Yoga Nidra for Kids: Guided Sleep Meditation for Kids to Fall Asleep

Bedtime Yoga Nidra for Kids: Guided Sleep Meditation for Kids to Fall Asleep

    • 7,99 €

    • 7,99 €

Description de l’éditeur

Do you want to help your child feel more relaxed and joyful?

Are you looking for a resource that will enable your little one to drift into sweet sleep each night?

Yoga nidra is a practice that children of all ages can do. It’s perfect for kids who have difficulty sitting still as typically done in classic meditation. Because Yoga Nidra is done while lying down in a comfortable position and guided using the voice of the teacher, it is more accessible to young children.

Relaxation of the body and mind is induced by the awareness of stillness, comfort, position and breath. If you’re looking to help your child(ren) relax deeply and fall asleep easily, this is an ideal book for you and your family.

Each meditation features three different calming background music options, enabling you to customize the meditation to your child’s preference.

By listening to Bedtime Yoga Nidra for Kids, your child will:

●     Learn to meditate in a practical way

●     Reconnect with their own true nature

●     Fall asleep more easily and sleep more deeply through the night

●     Lower their stress and anxiety levels

●     Discover inner peace, balance and happiness

●     Experience profound relaxation of body and mind

●     Enhance their ability to concentrate

●     Learn to process their emotions in a safe and healthy way

●     And much more.

Even if your kids have never tried meditation, this book can help them create a potent new routine that enables them to relax profoundly and sleep deeply.

Get your copy today!

Loula Taylor
h min
13 juillet
Sean Stewart