The Eccentric Entrepreneur: Daring to Be Different and Building a Business Through Mutual Benefit, Respect, and Trust (Unabridged) The Eccentric Entrepreneur: Daring to Be Different and Building a Business Through Mutual Benefit, Respect, and Trust (Unabridged)

The Eccentric Entrepreneur: Daring to Be Different and Building a Business Through Mutual Benefit, Respect, and Trust (Unabridged‪)‬

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Description de l’éditeur

There are hundreds of books that have been written on the subject of entrepreneurship...why did Jerry write this one, and why should you listen to it? 

Are you thinking about going into business for yourself and have some concerns? 
Are you currently an entrepreneur, and are you 100% satisfied with the results you are achieving?
Have you achieved some success as a business owner, but find yourself struggling with growth (overwhelmed or underwhelmed)? 

If you have asked these questions, this book is worth an investment of your time, and here’s why: 

Jerry Houston has brought something deeper to the discussion about this thing called entrepreneur - it is the human factor.
We’ll look at attitudes, yours and others, motivators, and life positions that speak to who you are and how you approach your business.
We will discuss how people should behave, treat each other, and the need to have mutual benefit, respect, and trust for all people, regardless of the level of the relationship.
We will demonstrate how practicing these ideas will build a long-term, sustainable organization that brings you not only success, but a joyful life through your work

Join Jerry on this journey of truths about what it takes to be an eccentric entrepreneur. Discover how his own journey of 27+ years as an entrepreneur has provided important lessons to help you on your journey to living the life you want through the application of these important principles. Learn how the impact of your relationships with others will carry the business forward. In addition, there are many factors about your approach to managing your business that will be revealed. Our Thoughts to Ponder sections will give you an opportunity to pause and think about the topics of each chapter, and where you are in your own journey. 

Jerry Houston is an eccentric entrepreneur. He has owned multiple businesses, held senior-level positions in eight companies throughout his career, and is a highly certified individual when it comes to the behavioral sciences...and he cares deeply about the success of others - the reason for writing this book. 

So, what’s stopping you from achieving the success you want in a business of your own? Is it time to get started? 

Scroll to the top, click the “buy now” button, and let’s get started.

Ron Allen Fouts
h min
20 avril
Jerry Houston