
Executive Power Executive Power
Comment obtenir ce que vous voulez Comment obtenir ce que vous voulez
Comment obtenir la vérité en moins de 5 minutes Comment obtenir la vérité en moins de 5 minutes
Lisez dans les pensées : Les secrets de la psychologie pour découvrir ce que vos interlocuteurs dissimulent Lisez dans les pensées : Les secrets de la psychologie pour découvrir ce que vos interlocuteurs dissimulent
Psycho Minute Psycho Minute
Comment obtenir la vérité en moins de 5 minutes Comment obtenir la vérité en moins de 5 minutes

Livres audio

Lisez dans les pensées de vos interlocuteurs Lisez dans les pensées de vos interlocuteurs
Como decifrar mentes [Mindreader]: A nova ciência para desvendar o que as pessoas pensam, querem e quem elas realmente são [The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who They Really Are] (Unabridged) Como decifrar mentes [Mindreader]: A nova ciência para desvendar o que as pessoas pensam, querem e quem elas realmente são [The New Science of Deciphering What People Really Think, What They Really Want, and Who They Really Are] (Unabridged)
Get Anyone to Forgive You For Anything : The Proven Step-by-Step Method to a Winning Apology Get Anyone to Forgive You For Anything : The Proven Step-by-Step Method to a Winning Apology
The Science of Happiness : How to Stop the Struggle and Start Your Life The Science of Happiness : How to Stop the Struggle and Start Your Life
Endless Ambition Endless Ambition
Executive Power : Use the Greatest Collection of Psychological Strategies to Create an Automatic Advantage in Any Business Situation Executive Power : Use the Greatest Collection of Psychological Strategies to Create an Automatic Advantage in Any Business Situation