Required Reading Range

Paul Harris et autres
Série • 34 livres • Design
Introduction to Graphic Design Introduction to Graphic Design
Aaris Sherin
Sketching for Animation Sketching for Animation
Peter Parr
Visual Research Visual Research
Ian Noble & Russell Bestley
Production Design for Screen Production Design for Screen
Jane Barnwell
Communication Design Communication Design
Derek Yates & Jessie Price
The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design
Jamie Steane
The Layout Book The Layout Book
Paul Harris & Gavin Ambrose
Menswear Trends Menswear Trends
Aki Choklat
Marketing Fashion Footwear Marketing Fashion Footwear
Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs & Tamsin McLaren
The Fashion Designer's Sketchbook The Fashion Designer's Sketchbook
Sharon Rothman