Routledge Library Editions: Israel and Palestine

Neil Caplan et autres
Série • 11 livres • Sciences sociales
Israel and the Arab World (RLE Israel and Palestine) Israel and the Arab World (RLE Israel and Palestine)
C.H. Dodd & M.E. Sales
The Rift in Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine) The Rift in Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine)
S. Clement Leslie
Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine) Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Elie Kedourie & Sylvia G. Haim
New Zionism and the Foreign Policy System of Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine) New Zionism and the Foreign Policy System of Israel (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Ofira Seliktar
Palestine Jewry and the Arab Question, 1917-1925 (RLE Israel and Palestine) Palestine Jewry and the Arab Question, 1917-1925 (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Neil Caplan
Facts and Fables (RLE Israel and Palestine) Facts and Fables (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Clifford A. Wright
Zionism and the Arabs, 1936-1939 (RLE Israel and Palestine) Zionism and the Arabs, 1936-1939 (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Ian Black
Palestine in the Arab Dilemma (RLE Israel and Palestine) Palestine in the Arab Dilemma (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Walid W. Kazziha
Palestinian Leadership on the West Bank (RLE Israel and Palestine) Palestinian Leadership on the West Bank (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Moshe Maoz
Years of No Decision (RLE Israel and Palestine) Years of No Decision (RLE Israel and Palestine)
Muhammad El-Farra