Spectrum Multiview Book Series

Eric L. Johnson et autres
Série • 10 livres • Étude biblique
Biblical Hermeneutics Biblical Hermeneutics
Stanley E. Porter & Beth M. Stovell
Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies
Brent E. Parker & Richard J. Lucas
God and the Problem of Evil God and the Problem of Evil
Chad Meister & James K. Dew, Jr.
War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views
Paul Copan
Christian Ethics Christian Ethics
Steve Wilkens
Original Sin and the Fall Original Sin and the Fall
J. B. Stump & Chad Meister
Psychology and Christianity Psychology and Christianity
Eric L. Johnson
Evangelical Theological Method Evangelical Theological Method
Stanley E. Porter & Steven M. Studebaker
Faith and Reason Faith and Reason
Steve Wilkens
The Nature of the Atonement The Nature of the Atonement
James K Beilby & Paul R. Eddy