A Speech on the Principles of Finance A Speech on the Principles of Finance

A Speech on the Principles of Finance

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To the careful student of history, there is a very great deal more to be considered than the mere political facts that stand as landmarks along the path of progress which the nations have traversed since the plains of Iran poured forth their hosts westward. These facts are the mere externals that adorn the pages of historic lore, and embellish the memories of the great men who have lived in and moved the world at various times in various nations, or which clothe the lives of tyrants and usurpers with their just reward.

The superficial student of history cares only for the results of the evolution of nations—for the fact that Sesostris was the greatest of Egyptian kings; or that Semiramis rose by her military sagacity from the rank of a mean official’s wife to be, first, the Queen of Ninas, and afterward, to be the Assyrian Queen, who should march an army of three millions men across the Indus to conquer the Indian King. Running down the course of events, he traces the rise and fall of nations—after Assyria then Egypt, next Persia, Greece, Rome and then the Dark Ages, out of whose womb was evolved modern Europe; and, lastly, the birth, development, struggle and recovery of the most remarkable nation which has yet arisen in the world.

Behind these facts, which are but results, lie the real motor powers of history; and they are deeper, broader and more important than is that which they evolve. There is an external and an internal phase to everything existent in the world. Up to this generation the external has apparently borne the more prominent part in determining what should be next. But now the analytic age has begun, wherein facts do not suffice; wherein new systems, new theories, new philosophies and even new religions are constructed, not by an examination of the errors of what has been, but by the discovery and application of the principles, the powers, which underlie those errors.

Heretofore there has been no inquiry made by the rulers of the people into the general principles of government. It was sufficient that there was a government maintained, the governors caring for little but the power to compel the people to do their bidding. But it is beginning to dawn upon the minds of those who have something more than a selfish interest in humanity that there is a science of government; aye, even that there is a science of society: and such minds are endeavoring by the deepest researches to discover the principles of these sciences.

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