A vindication of natural society: or, a view of the miseries and evils arising to mankind from every species of artificial society. In a letter to Lord **** By a late noble writer.
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A vindication of natural society: or, a view of the miseries and evils arising to mankind from every species of artificial society. In a letter to Lord **** By a late noble writer., Edmund Burke. A vindication of natural society: or, a view of the miseries and evils arising to mankind from every species of artificial society. In a letter to Lord **** By a late noble writer. Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797. [4],106p. ; 8⁰. London : printed for M. Cooper, 1756. Noble writer = Edmund Burke in imitation of Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke. Reproduction of original from the British Library. Todd, 3a English Short Title Catalog, ESTCT4224. Electronic data. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2003. Page image (PNG). Digitized image of the microfilm version produced in Woodbridge, CT by Research Publications, 1982-2002 (later known as Primary Source Microfilm, an imprint of the Gale Group).