Adventure. Thrillers. Mystery. Detective. Book 21 Adventure. Thrillers. Mystery. Detective. Book 21

Adventure. Thrillers. Mystery. Detective. Book 21

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Description de l’éditeur

Adventure. Thrillers. Mystery. Detective. Book 21: 1. The Devil Man or Sinister Street; 2. The Man at the Carlton or The Mystery of Mary Grier; 3. The Coat of Arms or The Arranways Mystery; 4. On the Spot: Violence and Murder in Chicago; 5. When the Gangs Came to London.

Crime novels:

1. The Devil Man or Sinister Street

To whisper the name of Charles Pearce is to incite a hoard of wild imaginings, all that makes the flesh creep. Pearce is physically repulsive, tiny in stature, but a Samson in strength. He is a gifted musician, a terrible braggart - and for some reason women find him irresistible. He is also a burglar. And a murderer. There is a baffling mystery that someone urgently needs to solve... 

2. The Man at the Carlton or The Mystery of Mary Grier

There was a man named Harry Stone (also called Harry the Valet), who was a detective until they found him out, which was about three months after he had entered the C.I.D. of a police force in Rhodesia. He might have been prosecuted, but at that time this particular police force was not at all anxious to expose the dishonesty of its officers, so that when he got away by the night mail to Cape Town they took no trouble to call him back.

3. The Coat of Arms or The Arranways Mystery

It is a small world, and the possibility of old criminal acquaintances meeting at a Surrey roadhouse is by no means remote. Sketchley, where the Coat of Arms roadhouse stands, is a place of strange happenings. There are thefts of valuable gold plate, a suspicious old man, seen but not caught, and a burglar who returns stolen valuables. When the local manor burns down, the owner and guests move to the roadhouse, and old vendettas intensify. Interests clash. Murder is committed.

4. On the Spot: Violence and Murder in Chicago

Per una volta Edgar Wallace abbandona le brume londinesi per ambientare la sua trama oltreoceano, a Chicago. Scontri di bande criminali, sventagliate di piombo, macchine e belle donne. In questo cocktail esplosivo Wallace dà sfogo a tutta la sua immaginazione senza concedere al lettore un attimo per tirare il fiato.

5. When the Gangs Came to London

Tough, ruthless gangsters from Chicago descend on London and for two weeks their violent campaign of murder and intimidation holds the city in a crushing grip of fear. Scotland Yard has never seen such an onslaught. When a lull ensues, Captain Jiggs Allermain of the Chicago Detective Bureau suspects the rival gangs of forming an uneasy alliance. Suddenly a shot rings through the House of Commons, unleashing an outburst of terror even more bloody.

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