All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced) All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced)

All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced‪)‬

    • 7,49 €
    • 7,49 €

Description de l’éditeur

All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced) is the inaugural eBook for the iPad organized around a single decade from Trager’s massive and comprehensive chronology of automotive history from Leonardo da Vinci to the Tesla.

All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced) is a graphic-rich, multi-touch, interactive eBook that gives vintage automobile enthusiasts an immersive road trip across the 1950s celebrating and uniquely highlighting hundreds of makes, models, designers, inventors, race drivers, CEOs, and related developments from a decade that redefined the auto industry around the world.

Entries include information on and compelling images of the choice makes and models of the age. From the universally appreciated (Oldsmobile 88, Buick LeSabre, Dodge Coronet, Corvette, Chevy Nomad, Cadillac Eldorado, Edsel, Mercury Monterey, Country Squire, Thunderbird, Crown Imperial, Nash Rambler, Hudson Hornet, Packard Patrician, Studebaker Lark) to the acquired tastes of the overseas market (BMW, Sunbeam, Triumph, Humber, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Citroën, Renault, BMW, Porsche Volkswagen, Lancia, Simca, Delahaye 235, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Škoda, Audi, Peugeot, SEAT, Saab, Toyota, Subaru, and Moskvitch), All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced) reinvents the eBook in a manner its subject transformed the globe.

Past the great cars of the era, readers will also discover entries that cover the labor that built them, the roads, bridges, and tunnels they drove through, the races they ran in, the motorcycles, buses and trolleys they ran alongside or replaced, the policies that insured them and ads that sold them, the smog they belched, and the myriad technical advances that inched them toward the present.

At 170 pages and with more than 400 entries, 300 classic images, 500 Wikipedia links, and 140 archival YouTube links, All Cylinders: Cars of the 1950s (Enhanced) is a one-of-a-kind reading, viewing and learning experience sure to draw classic car fans into a now bygone era when America’s love affair with the automobile was at its apex and keep them there enthralled for hours.

Apocalypso Media LLC is a new eBook publisher that will issue previously released and unreleased historical chronologies written by the late James Trager, author of the acclaimed The People’s Chronology: A Year-By-Year Account of Human Events from Prehistory to the Present first published in 1979 and featured on Microsoft’s Bookshelf reference suite.

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