Charles Dickens: Complete Novels & Stories
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- 0,99 €
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Charles Dickens FRSA (1812 – 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the 20th century, critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories are still widely read today.This ebook includs the complete novels and stories by Charles Dickens, containing:-OLIVER TWIST-THE PICKWICK PAPERS-NICHOLAS NICKLEBY-THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP-BARNABY RUDGE-MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT-DOMBEY AND SON-DAVID COPPERFIELD-BLEAK HOUSE-HARD TIMES-LITTLE DORRIT-A TALE OF TWO CITIES-GREAT EXPECTATIONS-OUR MUTUAL FRIEND-THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD-A CHRISTMAS CAROL-THE CHIMES-THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH-THE BATTLE OF LIFE-THE HAUNTED MAN-SKETCHES BY BOZ-SKETCHES OF YOUNG GENTLEMEN-SKETCHES OF YOUNG COUPLES-MASTER HUMPHREY’S CLOCK-REPRINTED PIECES-THE MUDFOG PAPERS-PEARL-FISHING (First Series)-PEARL-FISHING (Second Series)-CHRISTMAS STORIES-OTHER STORIES-CHILDREN’S PROSE