Endodontic Morphology
- 29,99 €
- 29,99 €
Description de l’éditeur
Endodontic Morphology is an eBook for professionals in dentistry who need to know and understand the root canal anatomy of teeth in finest detail. This presentation is rich in superb images and contains numerous high quality micro-CT scanned teeth produced into 3-D movies that the reader can control. The numeric data related to root canal anatomy is clearly presented. In addition to canal anatomy of each permanent tooth, a variety of topics important in clinical endodontics have also been collected into valuable packages of information such as invaginations, evaginations, apical root canal, pulp stones, dentin structure, predentin, lateral canals, taurodontism, C-shaped canals, molarization, and other different canal shapes. Includes possibility to CE (continuing education).
Avis d’utilisateurs
Endodontic Morphology
Excellent iconography, great job !