English for Specific Purposes Project Leader Profiles: The Leadership Communication of 55 ESP Project Leaders
Description de l’éditeur
This volume is a collection of valuable and highly praised stories. These stories were co-constructed by the 55 featured leaders and by Kevin Knight in his role as the author/interviewer who created the two prompts to which the leaders responded. The profiles were created so that ESP (English for Specific Purposes) practitioners and researchers worldwide in the ESP Interest Section (ESPIS) of TESOL International Association (TESOL) could share their professional experiences with each other. The volume has been divided into three parts: 1) introduction to the profiles, 2) the 55 profiles, and 3) analysis of the profiles. In writing the two chapters introducing and analyzing the profiles, the author draws upon his previous publications and presentations as he tells his story of 1) why the profiles were created and 2) what we can learn about leadership and communication from the profiles.