Fortune Cookie Magic: Four Fortune Cookie Magic: Four
Livre n° 4 - Fortune Cookies

Fortune Cookie Magic: Four

Fortune Cookies, no. 4

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Chapter Six - Mora
Mora Ramirez, the fifth member of the ‘Sexy-Six’, was attractive and possessed a nice figure. She was twenty-seven years young, lived in La Habra, California, worked as a head librarian at the local Community College, and suspected all of her New York friends had lost it. According to Jill, whom Mora had always considered sensible, she had met a guy on the street, in the middle of the day, hadn’t had so much as a cocktail, yet was in bed with him in less than two hours. Was that some kind of record? Probably not. All this supposedly took place after ingesting a well-known miracle aphrodisiac—a fortune cookie. Are you kidding me? An effing fortune cookie?
If that wasn’t bad enough, after losing her self-respect, she lost her marbles. Within a month, she became pregnant and within three months, engaged. But hark, hark, the insanity continued and was spreading. Could this odious malady be contagious? Two of her other back East friends were going to followi Jill to the altar, engaged after an even shorter time frame and a third, the normally level headed Saundra, was having an open affair, giving no thought to her husband of six years, with a married older man. What could be causing the bizarre behavior among her friends? Has the acid rain eaten into their brains? She didn’t know but she was certainly going to find out.

It was the beginning of summer break at the college where Mora worked. With only a few summer classes and continuing education classes being taught, the library was as slow as a snail crossing flypaper. Mora cleaned up a few things, put her assistant in charge, and was off to the Big Apple.
Mora was no prude. Far from it. She actually paid most of her tuition plus expenses at Hofstra and some unexpected familial hardship expenses by working nights as a performer and sometimes pleasure girl in an all-nude cabaret. What could she do? She was the only one who could work and she needed money—big money. She even continued this pastime for a short time, until she got situated, when she moved to California.

She wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but she enjoyed performing. She enjoyed the customer’s gaze caressing her breasts and smooth pubis, occasionally masturbating in front of her, while she performed. Sometimes she would take a nice looking, well-heeled customer in the back room, but she never mixed love with pleasure.
But that was in the past when she, her mother and younger sister were in desperate straights. Now, she was a prim and proper, pillar of the community—a university librarian.

What a bunch of crap. Was she cynical? Damned right—bitter too. She wasn’t even sure she believed in love. Her two misguided experiments with love had run off the tracks, and had somewhat embittered her towards men. Oh, she liked men all right, and she adored sex. For a while, she even had a couple fuck buddies, both colleagues, one the football coach, the other a professor, both married. Monogamy was bad, variety was good and that’s why Mora was determined to get to the bottom of this fortune cookie phenomenon.

Romans et littérature
31 janvier
New Dawning Books

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