How to Find the One True Love Why Breaking the Rules Will Change Your Life How to Find the One True Love Why Breaking the Rules Will Change Your Life

How to Find the One True Love Why Breaking the Rules Will Change Your Life

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Has your search for The One eluded you?

Do you feel like he or she is out there somewhere just waiting for you, if you could just figure out how to connect?

What if evey hope you’ve ever had about love is true, but the way you understand love has led you on a road away from it? Would you be willing to switch roads?

How to Find the One True Love Why Breaking the Rules Will Change Your Life will facilitate a quantum leap of understanding that will help you find your true identity and authentic voice, and subsequently, dramatically effect the way relationships and experiences will play out on the screen of your life. With a simple shift in consciousness from the ego to the heart you can attract true romance and an enduring feeling of passion and affection in the love relationship you genuinely desire. You do have a Divine Complement and you have the right and power to join with them now. You needn’t have a broken heart, feel lonely, or be alone anymore.


Why you haven’t found or sustained the kind of passion of which you’ve always dreamed.

Why intense longing for your Soul Mate has been magnified in the in the last few years.

Why you feel so incomplete.

How you can actually begin to attract the Soul Mate of your dreams.

Why your soul’s response to the call to unite actually serves a much higher purpose.

Save yourself years of frustration, embarrassment and futility that results from projecting your ego’s false interpretation of love onto another. Learn the truth about natural laws you can EASILY use to heal the broken and attract the genuine, unconditional love you really want. Once you apply these simple laws you’ll QUICKLY prove the truth for yourself. You deserve it!

Essais et sciences humaines
26 avril
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