Questions for Life Questions for Life

Questions for Life

Powerful Strategies for Critical Thinking

    • 10,99 €
    • 10,99 €

Description de l’éditeur

Questions for Life is a tool that provides a way to focus on critical thinking when addressing core subjects, textbook content, and real-life situations. Questions for Life works the way the brain works. It is relevant and meaningful to all learners, whether they are students, educators, or those working in nonacademic environments. The structure of Questions for Life provides a road map for navigating the thinking process purposefully and successfully. It offers opportunities to strategize using questioning processes designed to elicit critical thinking.

The Questions for Life model is attuned to brain development and backed by significant research that makes it substantially more valuable than any new model or “gimmick” teachers often come across. It is much more powerful than that. First and foremost it is a tool for the educator, and secondly, it is a tool for students.

According to a report titled Tough Choices or Tough Times by the National Center on Education and the Economy, “the problem is not with our educators. It is the system within which they work.” It is a system that requires educators to postpone their own reflection, thinking, and strategic planning to make time to muddle through mandates and meet state standards. It is a system that offers few opportunities for teachers or students to stop and think as they move ahead into a future that will be so altered from today’s experience as to be almost unrecognizable. To respond effectively to these new circumstances, the system must be changed to allow teachers to acquire, embody, and impart the skills and thinking processes their students need to know.

Teachers will need to shift how and what they teach. There can be no change in how students learn if there is no corresponding shift in how teachers teach. Most studies of skills people use in the workplace speak to the need for students to be taught to think, decide, and act. Too often teachers do the thinking, deciding, and acting for their students. A significant shift takes place when teachers share the thinking processes they use with students, allowing students to do the thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Questions for Life is a tool for creating that change.

Professionnel et technique
15 août
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