Rooted in the Vision of Vatican II: Youth Corps and the Formation of Christ-Centered Social Activists in Toronto, 1966-1984 (Report) Rooted in the Vision of Vatican II: Youth Corps and the Formation of Christ-Centered Social Activists in Toronto, 1966-1984 (Report)

Rooted in the Vision of Vatican II: Youth Corps and the Formation of Christ-Centered Social Activists in Toronto, 1966-1984 (Report‪)‬

Historical Studies 2010, Annual, 76

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Description de l’éditeur

Founded by Father Thomas McKillop in 1966, Youth Corps was an experimental ministry in Toronto that developed Christ-centered social activists (ages 14-25) through a scripture-based formation of action, reflection and friendship. Over the next eighteen years, Youth Corps built a diverse network of programs that consciously drew upon the inductive theology of Vatican II that promoted Catholics to be actively engaged in the world. Youth Corps showcased the prophetic voice of Catholic social justice activists through highly successful "Events"; nurtured healthy families through Christian Family Peace Weekends; recognized the dignity of the city's physically handicapped and the imprisoned; and helped Catholics to see Christ in the poor of the inner city and the global south. While tens of thousands of young adults participated in these ministries, Youth Corps' social activism would expose ecclesiological tensions over pastoral strategy that challenged the Archdiocese of Toronto--and the Canadian Catholic Church--during the 1980s. Fondees par le Pere Thomas McKillop en 1966, les Brigades jeunesse etaient un ministere experimental a Toronto qui formaient des activistes sociaux chretiens (ages de 14 a 25 ans) grace a une formation biblique de leurs actions, leur reflexion et leurs amities. Au cours des dix-huit ans qui suivirent, les Brigades jeunesse elaborerent un reseau diversifie de programmes qui consciemment puisaient dans la theologie inductive du Vatican II qui encourageait les catholiques a s'impliquer activement dans le monde. Les Brigades jeunesse mettaient en evidence la voix prophetique des activistes catholiques pour la justice sociale grace a des evenements a grand succes, elles encourageaient les familles en sante en organisant des fins de semaines pour la paix dans les familles chretiennes, reconnaissaient la dignite des handicapes physiques de la ville et des prisonniers, et aidaient les catholiques a voir Christ chez les pauvres de la grande ville et du Sud global. Tandis que des dizaines de milliers de jeunes adultes participaient a ces ministeres, l'activisme des Brigades jeunesse devoilait les tensions religieuses sur la strategie pastorale qui mettaient a rude epreuve le diocese de Toronto--ainsi que l'Eglise catholique canadienne--durant les annees 80.

1 janvier
The Canadian Catholic Historical Assn.

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