Search for Happiness Search for Happiness

Search for Happiness

Description de l’éditeur

Widow Hunphries wrote: “Jesus defines Happiness (Blessed) in The Beatitudes. Many humans want it but don 't know what it is or how to experience it. She writes, “Because he was created in the Image of God, man is a lost and lonely wanderer upon the earth apart from the fellowship with his Creator. To have a knowledge that he exists is not enough. Man must be assured that he is not alone in the world, that a more adequate intelligence and power is guiding his destiny. Man is confused and perplexed apart from truth. Not just the truth of the physical sciences, but the truth about his being; his beginnings, his purpose, his conflicts and his future. Man needs peace, not just so called peace of mind, but a peace of Soul which operates through trials and burdens of life.”

Her grandson William described the author like this: “My regard for religious pilgrims probably stems from my respect for Grandma’s unwavering journey to, and with, God; from witnessing at least in part of her personal pilgrimage. There is no doubt in my mind that she was the ultimate pilgrim, the truest Christian I have ever known, or ever will know, in thought, word and deed. From her I learned about true faith, about an undying certainty that what one believed was right, about humility, about humor and about unconditional love.”

Relating an experience of her labor of love for lost souls, he wrote about a revival meeting, “She was praying for some one. An identified some one. Her heart and faith was on the line. Her hand containing the hankerchief pounding into her other hand, a physical manifestation of her fight. And her tears flowed without concern. I watched tears and elation as each of her targets softened to the call and moved forward. The memory etched in me is of my Grandma there, tears in her eyes, her pounding fist, every ounce of her physical and spiritual strength reaching out to people who she loved that much. Every inch of her small frame was an unselfish spiritual warrior in a way I will never know. I don’t think she stopped fighting that battle at then end of the service, perhaps not even at the end of her life.”

Guy, her son and heir, confirms William’s accurate description of his Mother. She was most blessed, happy, when God’s Holy Spirit answered her passionate prayers for the salvation of the eternal spirit of the target of her “never-give-up” supplications to God. That passion is reflected in “Search for Happiness” as she shares her study from God’s-Word. Now, she is on the front line of the saints in Paradise that rejoice like the shepherd did in Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15 when He said, “In the same way, saints in heaven rejoice over one sinner that comes in repentance to God.”

Religion et spiritualité
21 novembre
Guy Humphries