The Civilization of India
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Four gifted races distinguished themselves by their culture and civilization at a very remote age, over forty centuries ago. The Hamittic race founded an ancient empire in Egypt, and spread their conquests under great dynasties of kings, accounts of whose deeds have come down to us in hieroglyphic inscriptions. The semetic race conquered Chaldea, united Sumir and Accad, and have similarly left us records of their early civilization in cuneiform inscriptions and tablets. The Turanian race founded a kingdom in China, and cultivated arts and literature from a remote age. And lastly, the Aryan race flourished in India as agriculturists and gifted bards, and as conquerors of the aboriginal races. The first beginnings of human civilization belong to these gifted races; and it may be noted that a temperate climate, fertile soil, and inundating rivers determined the earliest seats of civilization.