The Strength of Weak Ties and Issues of Embeddedness: A Review of Granovetter's Theories on Social Network and Organization/ Forces de Points Faibles es Issues D'enforcement: Une Revue de Theories Degranovetter Sur L'analyse Et L'organisation Du Reseau Social (Report)
Canadian Social Science 2005, Nov, 1, 3
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1. INTRODUCTION Granovetter's 1973 paper "The Strength of Weak Ties" issued on American Journal of Sociology, is an important article on social network analysis. In this paper, Granovetter hypothesizes that weak ties can act as crucial bridge and elaborates four dimensions that measure the strength of ties. In his view, strong ties sustain relations within the group or organization, while weak ties can build bonding relations between groups or organizations and gain easily access to non-redundant information unavailable through interaction with strong ties. In other words, weak ties play a role of bridge in the process of information flows between different groups. The hypothesis of the strength of weak ties and such empirical findings has great influence on American and European researchers in social network analysis.