Understanding on the Background of the Era of Independent Innovations in China/ Comprehension Du Contexte a L'epoque D'innovation Independante en Chine.
Canadian Social Science 2007, Oct, 3, 5
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In the China's socio-economic development process, we have never stressed the importance of independent innovation as it is now. General Secretary Hu Jin-tao of the CPC Central Committee at the National Conference on Science and Technology stressed that: "As part of a national strategy to enhance our capability for independent innovation permeating all aspects of modernization." In my opinion, stressing the importance of independent innovation is not accidental, but there is a profound historical background. So that all sectors of society must be made a profound understanding of the historical background of independent innovation, in particular, to deepen the "independent" knowledge and understanding. 1. FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STATE'S SELF-IMPROVEMENT, SELF-RELIANCE AND CATCHING UP TO UNDERSTAND THE POINT OF "INDEPENDENCE"