Unleash and Dominate Your Alpha Male Unleash and Dominate Your Alpha Male

Unleash and Dominate Your Alpha Male

Description de l’éditeur

Jett Miles is a man with a simple but magnanimous purpose. He wants other men to enjoy “the bounty” of becoming an alpha male – a bounty that sent his life on an upward trajectory.

Unleash and Dominate Your Alpha Male is both an account of the author’s own transformation and a handbook with easy-to-follow steps. As well as his own experience, the author draws on relevant data in the study of animal and human behavior, germane insights from the areas of human psychology and personal development, and quotes and tips from pure, raw, street smarts.

You, too, can make yourself into an alpha male and enjoy the perks most other men can only dream about. When is the time to start? Hmmm, how about… NOW!

This book is an interesting, sometimes funny, little guidebook that will have an enormous impact on your life and on those you love – and even on those you don’t!

Here’s what it’ll do for you:

1. Give you a better understanding and appreciation of what it is to be an alpha male, and how good it feels.

2. Tell you why you and your male friends, and men in general, should strive towards becoming an alpha male.

3. Show you how to go about transforming yourself in easy steps:

-How to build your confidence with women and get them wanting you

-Becoming an effective leader in control of things

-Being smart at making money

-Improving the overall quality of your life

4. Guide you on measuring your transformation progress.

5. Show you how to start, and continue enjoying, being an alpha man.

If unhappiness, frustration, or lack of fulfillment, is holding back your life, pick up this book. It’s guaranteed to get those “monkeys” off your back.

Santé et bien-être
30 septembre
Jett Miles