When Walls Become Bridges: A Journey of Discovery to Heal and Conquer Hatred When Walls Become Bridges: A Journey of Discovery to Heal and Conquer Hatred

When Walls Become Bridges: A Journey of Discovery to Heal and Conquer Hatred

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    • 4,99 €

Description de l’éditeur

In a time when divisions kept much of the world apart, this narrative begins with a true account of a Jewish man in the heart of the Cold War. On a spontaneous trip to East Berlin, Stuart Lewis meets a man named Frank who lived within the confines of the Communist Soviet system.

When Stuart returns to Canada their unexpected relationship flourishes. Through an exchange of private letters their intimate journey endures as they learn how to navigate through a hostile world of political uncertainty.

From here we observe the divisions between the East and the West, which are disturbingly similar to the realities of today. We can come to see the walls wedged between our personal relationships - our family, our loved ones, our enemies and allies. We can choose personal connection over superstition, ritual and conformity. The separation of the world exists not only amongst the people, but within ourselves.

What can we do when hostilities exist among nations? What happens when a young man struggles with isolation between himself and his estranged father? We can choose love over hate. We can decide to see others as human as opposed to Communist, Jew, Muslim, Palestinian.

How can we accomplish this? It begins with individual connection. We can build a bridge. This does not mean we agree with every concept or even conform to ritual. But we can learn that "the enemy" is relative. It depends on which side of the border you're looking from.

A timeless need, Stuart Lewis' search for truth dissolves borders. His honest and down-to-earth account is relevant in a world expressing its deepest nightmares. Proving that despite fear, judgment, and the looming angst of terror, seeing and connecting with each other as human beings trumps all.

Biographies et mémoires
16 octobre
Stuart Lewis

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